ext] Basic vocational training programs for young people who have co
mpleted 15 years and not to exceed the 17 at the time of beginning of the school year, who have
completed 2 ° or 3 ° that have not attained the objectives of ESO or are holding qualifications from vocational training and
which have been proposed by its staff for this training through the guidance Council. They seek to try to improve their general education and to enable them to perform certain trades, jobs and professional profiles. [/ vc_column_text]
After you have completed studies, gets the basic
professional qualification which is valid throughout the national territory and which allows ac
cess to the vocational training of middle-grade. It has t
he same employment effects as graduati
ng in compulsory secondary education for access to public and p
rivate employment. In addition, students who complete these studies product, decision of educational equipment,
the title of graduated in obligatory secondary education. [/ vc_column_text] [/ vc_tta_section]
Interested parties should submit a single instanc
e of schooling in the Center requested in first choice, and can point to a maximum of 4 different cycles (see deadlines in Secretariat). Once published the lists of admitted it will be to enroll in the Secr
etariat of the Center Award. [/ vc_column_text] [/ vc_tta_section] [/ vc_tta_tabs]
[/ ultimate_heading]
Father Piquer offer
s two basic professional training programs: el
ectricity and electronics, an
d administrative services. Both share the common subjects of appl
ied sciences, communication and society, integration skills and workplace training. Each program will find specifi
c content: [/ vc_column_text]
electrical installations and home automation [/ dt_list_item]
telecommunications facilities [/ dt_list_item]
installation and maintenance of networks for data transmission [/ dt_list_item] [dt_list_ [image item = ""] electrical and electronic equipment [/ dt_list_item] [/ dt_list] [/ vc_column_text] [/ vc_tta_section]
computer processing of data [/ dt_list_item]
basic office automation applications [/ dt_list_item]
basic administrative techniques [/ dt_list_item]
file and communication [/ dt_] list_item]
customer [/ dt_list_item]
products [/ dt_list_item] [/ dt_list] [/ vc_column_text] [/ vc_tta_section] [/ vc_tta_tour]
[/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]
as well as already mentioned, the basic FP of father Piquer will find :
attention to diversity expert teaching team: work levels, group accommodations, different methodologies [/ dt_list_item]
team of tutors on the individual attention you need [/ dt_list_item]
program of mentoring and orientation that seeks to maximize development staff and student professional [/ dt_list_item]
intermediate level training offer and top grade for continuity of studies [/ dt_list_item]
programme of scholarships and study grants [/ dt_list_item]
families care center, attended by professionals of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas [/ dt_list_item] [/ dt_list] [/ vc_cta] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]