When it was created?
The Family Assistance Center (CAF), currently the Service of Intervention with Families and Students (SIFA), started its activities in 2000 thanks to an agreement signed between Obra Social of Caja Madrid and the University Institute of the Family of the University Pontifical Comillas. Currently the agreement is signed with the Montemadrid Foundation and UNIPSI.
This project has the financial support of Bankia.
General objective:
To develop a true integral formation of the students that contemplate their human dimension, that is sensitive to their personal, social and familiar problems; And to offer them and their families effective support and support to face such problems and to mature as individuals.
Specific objectives:
Since then, more than 720 students, families, faculty or administration staff have been treated free of charge in any of the following services:
To access these services it is necessary to be a student of the center.
Hours and professionals
It covers the morning and the afternoon to facilitate the maximum to be able to attend to the students and their families, comprising between the 8:30 and the 21 hours. At present there are three professionals who form the team, who in turn teach in the University.
Other performances
After the 10 years of creation of SIFA, a book has been published that gathers the whole pioneering experience of the same: «Family orientation in the school environment, the experience of the Padre Piquer Center«. Virginia Cagigal de Gregorio (coordinator).
SIFA’s actions are carried out in three complementary and necessary areas: intervention, training and research.
Referrals to the SIFA are carried out by the Guidance Department, which maintains weekly periodic referral and follow-up meetings and continuous evaluation of the cases and the intervention service.
The number of actions and coordinations with the team of tutors has multiplied, as have the interventions in activities aimed at collaborating with the school in the educational task:
How to contact?
You can contact us through our mail: sifa@padrepiquer.net