The Padre Piquer Training Center was born 50 years ago to respond to the social and economic disadvantage of families in the Madrid neighborhood of La Ventilla. The Montemadrid Foundation College, which has been directing the Company of Jesus since its birth through a collaboration agreement, opened its doors with the main objective of bringing education to the most vulnerable people. The challenge was to offer them a quality education that would make them a better future, both personally and professionally. Today we continue working with the same commitment.
The turning point of our history is situated at the end of the decade of the 90 when the percentages of immigration reach their historical maximum in Madrid. It is then when a group of teachers arises the need to change a way of educating that no longer responds to the plurality that is lived in classrooms. For two years, the center has started a process of radical transformation that leads to a project of innovation of its own: the Cooperativa Multitasarea. The proposed change affects all dimensions of the teaching-learning process (distribution of spaces, role of the teacher, teaching material, technology in the classroom, etc.). Inclusion becomes the basic pillar of this model, with which we have achieved an outstanding level of educational quality. Diversity is understood as a source of enrichment for the entire community of the school and students become the true protagonists of their learning and enjoy with it.
To date, 1,100 students from more than 35 different nationalities come daily to our ESO, Bachillerato and FP classrooms. Our goal remains the same: to train competent, aware, committed and compassionate people to help build a better society. To achieve this, we have the best resources: a team of teachers whose passion is education. They work as a team, are surprised by their students and are willing to learn every day.
The center belongs to the Montemadrid Foundation and is run by the Jesuits.