The EFQM is an index that recognizes organizations with best performance in the world in quality management. It refers to a model defined by the European Foundation for quality management, EFQM in English, an organization of non-profit and based in Brussels, which has more than 500 members in over 55 countries. This Foundation the EFQM model of qualit
y and excellence as a means for self-evaluation and definition of the processes of continuous improvement in the business environment defines both private and public. The main concepts that comprise the E
FQM model would be as follows:
- Orientation towards results
- Orientation to the customer
- Leadership and coherence
- Management by processes and facts
- Development and involvement of people
- Continuous process of learning, innovation and improvement
- Development of partnerships
- The Organization's social responsibility
The Club for excellence in management grants a few awards in the form of seals that values the EFQM implementation in a company according to the score.

After a thorough assessment, we have achieved level + 500 provides an exhibition and a unique visibility to our Center. We share this maximum level in management with 91 companies
and institutions in Spain, of which 33 are educational centres, 12 in the community of Madrid, very few of them are centers o
f FP and much less in the contex
t of our school.

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