Next you will be able to consult the referring information of the Superior Degrees that are offered in Piquer.

  • Be in possession of the title of Bachiller.
  • Have passed the 2nd year of any modality of Bachillerato.
  • Have passed the University Orientation Course.
  • To be in possession of the Title Specialists, Superior Technician or equivalent to academic effects.
  • Being in possession of a university degree or equivalent.

For those who do not meet any of the requirements for direct access and meet any of the following conditions:

  • Be 19 years old in the year of the test.
  • Be 18 years of age and be in possession of a degree in Technician Degree in the same professional family.

The test for Higher Education Formative Cycles adapts its contents to the current Baccalaureate curricula and consists of two parts:

  • General part.
  • Specific Party (may be exempted who prove to be in possession of a degree of Technician corresponding to a medium-level training cycle, are in possession of a certificate of professionalism related to the training cycle that is intended to take or accredit a certain qualification or experience At least one full-year equivalent in a professional field related to the professional studies that one wishes to study).

There are different test options, each of which allows access to the cycles of the same Professional Family. The applicant must therefore submit to the option of accessing the cycle that he wishes to attend, therefore, it is important to be informed of the subjects that constitute each option.